Check this page often for resources to help with 4-H Livestock Projects and learn more about the Catch-An-Animal program and the Junior Livestock Auction.
Have questions about raising livestock in Park County or one of our programs? Email the committee at

The Park County Livestock Committee is asking you to consider supporting the Park County Junior Livestock Sale. The primary benefit to you is being able to buy reasonably priced, high-quality meat while supporting our local 4-H youth.
Steers average about a 215-day feeding program. Sheep and hogs are fed an average of 78 days. Animals are exercised in a relatively stress-free environment to develop a high-quality carcass. In past years, most of the Park County 4-H beef has graded out at a USDA Choice or Prime level.
Feeding livestock for market is a business venture for our young people. Producing a quality meat animal that meets grading standards and returns a profit for the youth is a challenge. As a buyer, your participation in the sale encourages and recognizes youth for their time, expense, and effort that has gone into raising an animal for market.
If you are a business owner, you may also obtain advertising value that accrues through the purchasing of these animals. If you can attend the sale in person, it is an event that you will not forget. The excitement of the event and the drama of the auctioneer’s cry create an unforgettable scene.
The Park County Junior Livestock Auction will be held live and online Saturday, July 19th, 2025 at 3:00 pm in the Livestock Barn at the Park Fairgrounds in Fairplay, Colorado. Buyer registration starts at 2:00 pm. A pig roast buffet dinner for buyers will be held at 5:00 pm.
We hope to see you there.
Thank you for your support of 4-H programs in Park County!
Park County 4-H Livestock Committee
Bobby Lane, President
MacKenzie Rohman, Vice President
John Everest, Treasurer
Bea Everest, Secretary
Adam Shirley
John Woodward
Steve Benninghoven
John Carpenter
Tara Zuber
Deb Wagler
Doug Atkinson
Abby Schmidt
Katie Spodyak