Park County Fair Sponsorship Packages

Title Sponsor
$7,500 Package
Title Fair Sponsor
6 banners, supplied by the Fair Board, and strategically placed around the Fairgrounds. All banners will be posted for the duration of the fair and consist of four – 4′ x 6′ and two – 4′ x 4′ banners. The artwork is provided by the sponsor.
Premium publicity in Fair advertising including: (Deadline Sensitive)
- Full-page ad in the Fair Program
- Logo displayed on ads featured in Fencepost Magazine, Ute Country News, and Summer In the Park
- Logo/name on all fair posters, fairbook and flyers
- Mentions & Promotions on all social media platforms
Sponsor logo with link to sponsor’s website posted on homepage of
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Special Events
Sponsor Logo rotated on television screens in Fair Barn Show Arena daily
Company logo on Arena Flag
10 VIP Passes to ticketed CPRA Rodeo
FREE 10’ x 10’ Vendor Booth Space in vendor alley to promote your business

Stage Sponsor
$5,000 Package
Sponsorship of the Outdoor Stage and one of the Live Entertainment Acts
Three – 4′ x 6′ banners, supplied by the Fair Board, and posted on the Outdoor Stage and around the fairgrounds for the duration of the fair. The artwork is supplied by the sponsor.
3/4 page advertisement in the Fair Program
Publicity in all ads featuring your sponsored act and mentions / promotions on all social media platforms
Sponsor logo with link to website posted on
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Special Events
Logo rotated on television screens in Fair Barn Show Arena with Headlining Act Advertisement on day before and day of sponsored act
6 VIP Passes to ticketed CPRA Rodeo
FREE 10’x10’ Vendor Booth Space in vendor alley to promote your business

Rodeo Sponsor
$2,500 Package
Sponsorship of One Rodeo Event
Events include:
- Park County Fair CPRA Rodeo
- Sunday Kids Rodeo
Two 4′ x 6′ banners, supplied by the Fair Board, and posted for the duration of the fair in the Rodeo Arena and strategically around fairgrounds. The artwork is supplied by the sponsor.
1/2 page advertisement in the Fair Program
Publicity in all ads featuring your sponsored event with mentions & promotions on all social media platforms
Sponsor logo with link to sponsor website posted on
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Special Events
Logo rotated on television screens in Fair Barn Show Arena with Event Advertisement on day before and on the day of the sponsored event
Company logo on Arena Flag
4 VIP Passes to ticketed CPRA Rodeo
FREE 10’x10’ Vendor Booth Space in vendor alley to promote your business

Associate Sponsor
$1,500 Package
Sponsorship of Arena or Arena Event
Events and arenas include:
- Fair Barn Show Arena
- South Horse Arena
- Drill Team Performance
- Mile High Barrel Racing
Arena Sponsors:
- Two 4′ x 6′ banners, supplied by the Fair Board, posted in the chosen arena, and strategically around the fairgrounds for the duration of the fair. The artwork must be supplied by the sponsor.
Quarter page advertisement in the Fair Program.
Publicity in all ads featuring your sponsored event with mentions & promotions on all social media platforms
Sponsor logo with link to website posted on
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Special Events
2 VIP Passes to ticketed CPRA Rodeo

Supporting Sponsor
$1,000 Package
Sponsorship of One Fair Special Event
Special Events include:
- Tiny Tots and Open Livestock Show
- Open Gymkhana
- County Shoot
- Arena Barrels
- Event Tent
- Livestock Tent/Barn
One 4′ x 6′ sign supplied by the Fair Board and posted in the arena, the tent, or barn for the duration of the Fair. A County Shoot sponsor’s banner will be displayed at the Como Shooting Range and moved to Fairgrounds the week of Fair. The artwork is supplied by the sponsor.
Eighth page advertisement in the Fair Program
Sponsor logo with link to sponsor website posted on
Publicity in all ads featuring your sponsored event with mentions & promotions on all social media platforms
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Special Events
Logo rotated on television screens in Fair Barn Show Arena day of sponsored event
2 Passes to ticketed CPRA Rodeo

Friends of the Fair
$500 Package
Sponsorship of One Fair Event or Area
Sponsorship of one Fair Event and Area. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Mutton Bustin’
- Greased Pig Catch
- Bleachers
- Royalty Contest
- Stick Horse Rodeo
- Open Exhibits
- Small Animal Barn
One 4′ x 6′ banner supplied by the Sponsor and posted in the arena, the tent, or barn for the duration of the Fair.
– Banners can be purchased through the Fair Board
Sixteenth page advertisement in the Fair Program
Sponsor logo with link to website posted on
Sponsorship announced over Fair PA System on day of sponsored event or on day chosen by Sponsorship Committee

Royalty Sponsor
$500 Package
Sponsorship of the Park County Royalty Program
Help the Royalty Court promote Park County and the Park County Fair at festivals and events around Colorado
One 4′ x 6′ banner supplied by the Sponsor and posted in the arena, the tent, or barn for the duration of the fair.
– Banners can be purchased through the Fair Board
Sixteenth page advertisement in the Fair program.
Sponsor logo with link to sponsor website posted on Royalty Page of
Mentions & promotions on all social media platforms
Sponsorship announced over the fair’s PA system.
Announcements over PA System throughout Fair week and during Royalty Contest
Royalty In-Kind Sponsor
In- Kind Sponsorship can be provided through hair or makeup services, and clothing or accessory donation. Donations made that exceed $500 can place a banner at the Fair. All other donations in the form of goods or services will be listed on the In-kind Donation Banner. In-kind will receive mentions on Social Media pertaining to the Royalty girls and the donation received.

In-kind Donations
Want to have a great impact at a small cost?
All In-kind donations will be accepted and appreciated to help improve the overall function of the Park County Fair.
In-Kind donors who donate at least $50, or donations worth over $50, receive:
Business or personal name listed in the Flume’s fair publication (If the donation is received prior to print deadline).
Donor listed on
In-kind donators listed on a banner in the Fair Barn
Sponsorship announced randomly during the Fair over PA System
Suggested In-kind donations:
- Arena Panels
- Horse Show Equipment
- Printing Services
- Sound Equipment
- Paint
- Lumber
- Cleaning Services
- Arena Sand
- Gift Cards for Murdochs or Big R
- Silent Auction Items
- Royalty Services: Hair, Make-Up, or Clothing
- Equipment and/or labor
All In-kind donors are encouraged to contact the Fair Board Representatives for details
For more information about sponsorship opportunities
Please contact Park County Fair Administration